Protecting Our Future
The Florida Association of School Safety Specialists (FS3) is a statewide organization dedicated to enhancing the safety and security of schools throughout Florida. FS3 brings together passionate safety specialists, mental health coordinators and district threat management coordinators who are responsible for implementing and overseeing critical safety measures in schools. Formed in 2023 in response to a move toward continuous improvement, FS3 provides resources and training for professionals tasked with protecting students and staff from threats, emergencies and other critical events.
School Safety Specialists, Threat Management Coordinators, Mental Health Coordinators and law enforcement collaborate utilizing the Florida Harm Prevention and Threat Management Model which allows for early identification of concerning behaviors. By using a multidisciplinary team, stakeholders can share critical information, enabling them to intervene before behavior or a threat escalates. Through the team’s investigation and evaluation, threats are managed, student safety plans are implemented, and crucial student and family services referrals are made. This proactive approach disrupts potential pathways to violence by assessing risks comprehensively and implementing preventive measures sooner. This unifying approach, focusing on early intervention and coordinated response, strengthens the ability to mitigate threats, enhancing school and community safety.
FS3 is governed by an Executive Board of Directors consisting of current school Superintendents and is operated by a professional Board of Officers.
School Safety Specialists
FS3 consists of professional school safety specialists who work tirelessly to ensure that Florida schools remain safe and secure. Explore key district contacts, and how they contribute to overall school safety.